Nine Tips to Make Sure You Get Paid for Your Work All of us depend on client/ customer payments to pay our bills and maintain our standard of living. Here are 9 Tips to consider so you get the money
Create a Good Business Story
Who is the Hero? It is NOT Your product or Service; they are minor characters The Victor is ALWAYS the customer He or she triumphs over the issue with your (company’s) help What emotions are influencing your hero? Is he:
It’s not just WHAT you write – It’s HOW you write it
In my work as a writer of different kinds of material for my clients, I have come up with SIX points that I think you should consider BEFORE you draft any kind of written communication. What is it that you
Using Storytelling to Strengthen Your Marketing Message and Get More Customers
I want to invite you to attend the Trade Brooklyn Show, the largest b2b FREE trade show in Brooklyn. Trade Brooklyn is about bringing together many opportunities for business growth by bringing together premier businesses from Brooklyn, the adjoining boroughs
What do you do? SO WHAT?
I’m going to crack a few eggs here. Upset the apple cart. Throw you a curve ball. I’m going to challenge you on how you talk about your business Here we go: (with a little assistance from Guy Kawasaki,) Most
Are You a Purple Cow?
Wait, a Purple Cow; no such thing and why would I want to be one? Well, there IS a kind of cow that’s Purple, and you REALLY DO want to be one. As this concept comes from mind of Seth
What Story Defines Your Company?
When your company is associated with an archetype—a universally recognized character or ideal— it will be much stronger Archetypes show up all the time in classic forms of storytelling, so you need to think about: What stories define your company?
Five Top Tips for Successfully Profiling Your Competitors
As my blog readers know, I usually produce my own content. This time I decided to send you an article from Marketing Profs, on a topic NO ONE can ignore. Five Top Tips for Successfully Profiling Your Competitors by Julia Cupman –
Branding and your business story – a podcast
In this podcast I recorded earlier this year with the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, you can hear more about how a powerful story is essential for your branding.
How to run a successful business – a video
In this workshop, I focused on elements that are key to every successful business. Enjoy – and let me know if you have any questions or comments!